Responses to Criticisms of the “No Lesser of Two Evil Movement”

If you have followed social media then you have likely ran across a growing number of Christians who have decided that voting for the lessor of two evils is no longer a viable strategy for national reformation. This blog is not intended to articulate the philosophy of the movement except to say that the foundation is formed in a couple of simple points: (These are not exhaustive)

1. Whatever you do (that includes voting) you do to the glory of God. (I Cor. 10:31, Col. 3:17)

2. There is a biblical qualifying standard and process for civic leaders to embrace. (Ex. 18:13-24; Romans 13:1-6; I Timothy 3, Titus 1)

3. We are to agree not only with the GOALS of reformation, but obey the Scriptural pattern and process for electing those leaders stewarding our nation.

4. Empowering unrighteousness will never produce a righteous outcome.

These are simply the bullet points of the premise that many are reaching that we are no longer comfortable accepting a false premise of only two candidates chosen from a dysfunctional, corrupt and often times immoral process. This conclusion has not been embraced because our particular candidate didn’t win the nomination or primary. This has been brewing in the conservative Christian ranks for many election cycles. Therefore, we are seeking and implementing a new strategy outside of the conventional political box. There is always a moment change has to be implemented and this election cycle is as good a time as any. Waiting is no longer an option.

That being said, the flurry of criticism and patronization from the brethren has been little less than astounding. To suggest that we simply be obedient to Scripture when we enter the voting booth has caused no small firestorm of accusations and criticisms. The following are a few of the criticisms that I have seen on social media. Some criticisms can be grouped into one section and I am sure that other criticisms will arise, but I thought “for the record” and for those of you who get this stuff slung at you on your social media sites, that you might like a place to direct such people.

I will mention these SIX:

1. So, if you’re not voting you are giving the election to some evil person.

Whoever said we were not voting? In fact, our position is that many of you will be giving the election to deeply and profoundly flawed individuals (evil?) BY your vote. This criticism demonstrates the political “box” many Christians have placed themselves in. You have bought the lie (which I did too, for years) that the only valid vote was a vote within the box of a two-party system.

No where in the Constitution does it say that a presidential candidate, or for that matter any candidate, must be chosen between Party A or B. In fact, political parties have come and gone through the centuries and there have actually been 3rd party candidates which have won the White House. So please hear this plainly, we are voting and participating.

2. You are “throwing away your vote”.

Throwing away a vote is a matter of perspective. To continue to empower and vote for terrible choices that at best will provide only a few “bread crumbs” of potential legislation is the height of absurdity. Elections have become the Merry-go-round of political strategy that maintains the status-quo and deceives people into thinking that true reformation can take place. This criticism is directed to the thought that if you choose outside the 2-party presentation that somehow your vote won’t matter or you are irrelevant. The fact is that nothing is further from the truth. Those who will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils are actually on the cutting edge of true reformation by making their vote of incalculable importance. Our vote now means something both to us (who actually are executing a strategy of reformation) and to the political system (who cannot win without enough of us). Simply put, we want to vote FOR candidates who espouse our values and not simply for those who are incrementally less distasteful than the alternative.

3. We cannot allow the other candidate to win because the sky will fall.

Hidden beneath this criticism are a couple of theological flaws.

A. Do we restore righteousness by personally empowering unrighteousness with our vote?
B. Do we fear God or the opposing candidate more? In other words, do we disobey what God paints as our responsibility in Scripture because we think the opposing candidate’s flaws cannot be overlooked? Can we really establish righteousness through disobedience?
C. Do we really assist God’s Sovereignty by a willful act of disobedience -or- through obedience can we then rest in God’s Sovereignty knowing we have acted (voted) righteously and the results are up to Him?

There is a foundational flaw in many believer’s minds that they can somehow “help” God out in His choices and dealings. “For who has known the mind of the LORD? Or who has become His counselor?” (Romans‬ ‭11:34‬ ‭NKJV)‬‬

4. “Jesus isn’t on the ballot”.

This criticism is getting worn out. No one thinks for a moment that a political candidate must demonstrate the reality of the incarnation. If leadership demanded the perfection this criticism implies it would disqualify every human leader that ever was or shall be. Of course, that is the point of the cliche’. The problem, however, is not that we are demanding perfection, but rather a biblically qualified basis for being picked as a leader. Civil servants are referred to as “ministers” of God (Romans 13:1-6) and would therefore have similar expectations and character qualities as your pastor.

The sad reality of today’s politics is that our candidates do not represent our righteous aspirations, but rather our carnal inclinations. Does every human being have points of weakness, character defect, and even sinful tendencies? Certainly, to varying degrees. But will we empower leadership that lives at the bottom of that barrel or seek to find those who have risen to the top and represents our better selves? Do we empower candidates who have failed at the most basic foundational arenas of personal life, character and circumstance, or do we continue to look for those who have demonstrated a better track record (“fruit”)? This movement isn’t looking for a perfect person, but rather a Scripturally qualified person.

5. Only one of two candidates can win and that is just the reality of the election.

This would appear to be true and unchangeable in the natural. The odds of anyone outside of the 2-party dysfunction winning a national election appears remote if not impossible. The key is that my obedience to glorify God in the ballot box is not conditioned upon how I might view reality at the moment. Obedience is not conditioned by your political strategy, opinion, or even historical precedent. Obedience is conditioned by a heart solely committed to honoring God despite the circumstances. What do we think faith looks like? What do we think it looked like in the Bible when story after story testifies to God’s people obediently doing something that challenged the reality of the situation? Why do we think we must “help” God in this matter when all He ever asks is that we “trust and obey”? When does Jesus’ words apply in this arena when he said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (‭Matthew‬ ‭19:26‬ ‭NKJV)?‬‬

6. We have between 2-4 SCOTUS appointments which we cannot lose.

Since 1960 we have had an equal number of republican and democratic presidents. One would think with such a balance of power and worldview that things would be much the same as it was in 1960. We all know that the spiral of decline has been more rapidly spinning with each election cycle. I could show you how GOP appointments to the SCOTUS bench have been as problematic as democrats. My point is not to justify futility, but to simply underscore our reasoning for continuing this cycle is absurd. At what point do we try another approach to our voting? At what point do we eject from the conventional insanity of the status quo and actually implement a direction of true change (even in the face of insurmountable odds)? When do we start turning the bus called America away from the cliff which these two party candidates are driving at various speeds and replace the driver with someone who will actually change the direction of the bus? If not now, then when? When it seems more reasonable? Exactly when will that ever be?

As I conclude, I know many will say that the stakes are too high this election. This election is of gargantuan proportions and we must empower the lesser of two evils lest the republic disintegrates. Of course, every election for the last 50 years and every election for the next 50 years will be of gargantuan proportion in the minds of many thereby justifying the insanity of the Merry-go-round. I invite you to jump off, trust God, and let’s see where fearless obedience may take us. Now is the time…


Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:


  • Mike Gonzalez

    June 4, 2016 at 10:55 pm Reply

    Excellent article and perspective Kevin!

  • Heather Moses

    August 8, 2016 at 2:40 am Reply

    Thank you for standing for truth! There should be no compromise in our obedience to Christ in respect to ALL areas of our lives. Satan owns the fence.

  • Eugene Roy

    August 9, 2016 at 4:01 am Reply

    Good article, but it’s a year and a half late. Now we have only one option and from what I have read from Dr. James Dobson and Franklin Graham one of the candidates has made a public confession to Christ. The candidate also has the support of another prominent official who is Christian…Dr. Ben Carson. To even suggest that a third party candidate can win with less 3 months of campaigning to go is absurd. Quite frankly it’s irresponsible. As I said, nice article that is too late to make a difference now.

    • Bro Thom Huey

      August 29, 2016 at 9:54 am Reply

      Don’t fall for that lie of the devil. Trump is more dangerous than Hillary; if you can believe that. Stay out of trouble with God, and don’t compromise with your vote. Go to to see a viable alternative. It’s not too late. If only 1/3 of those who call themselves Christians vote for Tom them he will win in a landslide. Believe and receive. Mark 11:24

  • Bro Thom Huey

    August 29, 2016 at 9:48 am Reply

    That’s why I’m voting for Tom Hoefling for President when I go to the polls in November. Most of my brothers and sisters in Christ will have the opportunity to do the same since Tom will be on the ballot or they can do a write-in vote for him. He is the only Christian, Conservative, Constitutionalist in the race, and he has a viable plan to close every abortion mill in America which he will put into motion on his first day in office. Knowing what I know about God and this representative government I would be in trouble with HIM I voted for anyone else; and who needs that kind of trouble? Guess you can put me in the category of fearing God more than man. Blessings

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