The Theology Of The Bonhoeffer Institute

This is part two in a two part series on The Bonhoeffer Institute. Allow me to start by saying…Theology divides people.

That is not necessarily wrong, however it is a fact. And honestly, sometimes doctrine needs to have a certain clarity to make sure what is going on is actually orthodox Christianity. Especially in our era which I have affectionately called, “The no-doctrine, doctrine age”. So, I completely understand when people have, on occasion, asked about the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and to what extent is The Bonhoeffer Institute tied to his theological positions.
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How The Bonhoeffer Institute Was Born

This is part one of a two part blog to help interested pastors and Christians leaders understand a little bit more about The Bonhoeffer Institute. Some of this information can be found on the Bonhoeffer web page which is linked directly with this personal blog site by simply tapping on the MENU. The Bonhoeffer Institute vision, goals, and mission can be read at that site to understand clearly where this organization is headed and why it exists.
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Legislating Courage

Our soon to be President, Donald Trump, made a campaign promise to evangelical pastors of repealing the Johnson Amendment (JA) to the IRS Code 501(c)3. For those of you unfamiliar with this amendment you may recognize it as the prohibition for churches (and by extension pastors) of participating in and influencing elections and “endorsement” of specific candidates. It has been the “stick” the government has used on occasion to attempt to keep the church disengaged and pastors silent on crucial public policy questions and legislation.
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