Few people, I suspect, would argue with the declaration that God is their source. American Christians are great when it comes to the pronouncement of their faith. The challenge arrives when they are faced with the practicality of their (stated) faith. To better understand the nature of giving (and in turn prosperity), it is important to understand a group of people Paul emphasizes in 2 Corinthians (8:1-4; 9:6-10), which in his mind illustrates the connection between giving and prosperity.

The Macedonians were an incredibly generous people, despite their equally incredible impoverished conditions. Paul actually describes them as being in “deep poverty”. These were ordinary people, many of whom were undoubtedly struggling day to day for resources. It might be appropriate to note at this point that their poverty was in no way attached to their spiritual state. Rich or poor has never been the indicator of one’s relationship to the Lord. Paul, however, affirms what they are doing with regards to their offerings for the needs of the Christians in Judea. As the Macedonians responded with these offerings it initiated some spiritual principles which ultimately benefited both the receivers of the offering, as well as the givers. I want to explore what the Lord has shown me through the years with regards to these precepts, so I want to encourage you to keep journeying with me these next days to get the complete picture. (As always, past posts are on the website:


First, it might be helpful to more directly cover what I believe to be the difference between the “tithe” and the “offering”. As I have mentioned in a previous blog posts, these two words are not synonymous, and I lightly touched on some of these concepts. Let’s fast track these differences.


1. The TITHE is an OBEDIENCE issue; the OFFERING is an OVER and ABOVE issue.


This means that I haven’t really given an offering until the tithe is complete in my house. I am not sowing any finances towards Kingdom possibilities until I first exercise obedience with the tithe. So, offerings do not exist until AFTER I complete the tithe.




The tithe is the Lord’s which is why I return it. Once the tithe is complete, I am at liberty to personally give offerings to those things or areas which I am passionately drawn to or the Holy Spirit leads me to. Remember, I cannot give what isn’t mine (tithe); however, I can out of a grateful and generous heart give according to my passion and conscience.




Since the tithe is the Lord’s, I can control His money in any way, shape, or form. I obediently return it to the storehouse (in almost every instance that is my local church) without strings attached. The offering, however, may be discretionary as I respond to the leading of the Spirit with regards to supporting other ministries or people. Many people seek to control men and churches by designating their tithe for specific usages. This is simply not the pattern of the Old or New Testaments. When people presented the tithe to the priest at the temple, they were used at the priest’s discretion (as unto the Lord). It is a good picture of keeping our hands-off God’s finances.


4. The TITHE REDEEMS your money; the OFFERING MULTIPLIES your money.


The tithe makes the remaining 90% of my finances effective for maximized usage in God’s eyes. I personally believe this is why “sowing” offerings over and above the tithe create an environment for multiplied return.


This understanding enabled the Macedonians to fearlessly trust God with regards to their offerings despite being impoverished (at least for the moment). Some have suggested that at the time of this writing a drought had entrenched itself across the Roman Empire and commerce was at a standstill. In other words, the economy was in a great recession. That said, the Macedonians had reached a point of maturity that no matter the state of the earthly economy, they understood God’s economy was always in operation.


This is the single point which I want to underscore in this post…




The first epiphany a believer must apprehend is that simple phrase, “God is my source”. You can be grateful for your job, but that job is not your source. It may be for the moment being used by God to get resources to you, but it is not your source. It is God Who gives you power to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). I appreciate my parents, those who support the ministry, my boss, and my financial advisors, but these people are not my source. If you are a salesperson, your clients are not your source. Customers are important to any businessperson, but they cannot be your source.




If you do not get this principle and it becomes revelation to you, then you will forever be bitter, jealous, and mad over how life and people treat you. It will cause you to covet what others possess.




The Macedonians clearly understood this as they were able to “give” despite being impoverished. Their current economic status did not deter them from the reality that God was their source. In fact, their ability to do that sets them up for what Paul will describe as “multiplication”. Hold on, the story is about to become even more amazing.

Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:

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