Why We Keep Getting Poor Candidate Choices (Part 6)

This is the last point I wish to make concerning the activation of the Biblical filter in a Christian’s mind when it comes to cast a vote for any candidate of any political office. I want to review again several bullet point concepts that have been put on the table without lengthy comment so we can simply keep focus on the premise of these writings:

– There is no perfect candidate and I “get” that Jesus will never be on the ballot. That is a lazy, intellectual response to the seriousness of a Christian’s obligation to citizenship.
– The Scripture is clear that everything we do (including voting) is to be done to the “glory of God”. The Lord’s glory is involved in our citizenship.
– Government officials are considered to be “ministers of God” and therefore have expectations placed upon them with regards to character, fruit, and worldview.
– The Church (or a Pastor) may not TELL you how to vote, but it is indeed a responsibility to TRAIN you in selecting your rulers. That is a discipleship issue.

The final question deals with the people the candidate chooses to surround himself. The candidate is not only an influencer, but will be influenced as well. We all know how money and lobbying has derailed many a promising candidate. So the final foundational question is…

6. Who Does the Candidate choose to advise them or work for them?

I Corinthians 15:33, “Bad company corrupts good morals”

I have forced all my children to memorize that Scripture verse. As a parent we recognize the fact that the biggest influencers in our kids lives are the ones they allow closest to them. Now we all recognize that as Christians there is an outreach component in all our relationships. The Bible is clear that “Jesus was a friend of sinners”. The problem enters for a parent is balancing the missionary aspects of friendships and the leavening effect of friendships. That was the point Paul was addressing to the Church at Corinth. It’s the same problem we have in Washington DC, or any state capital. Is the candidate strong enough spiritually to be the missionary/outreach person -or- will the candidate succumb to the influence of those he surrounds himself? This is a tough question, but I submit to you that track record and history has shown us that few politicians can withstand the money and lobbying efforts that pound them constantly. That is why it is imperative that the candidates inner circle be as supportive to his worldview and Christian values as possible.

You see, personnel is policy. Whoever gets in the inner circle of the candidate has the influence. The candidate can take stands on issues on the campaign trail, but if his advisors have lives or philosophies that are different, then it is disingenuous to suggest that will not influence the candidate’s perspective. The candidate is going to be bombarded by various opinions constantly. Why would they need a staff which reflects that same difference?

For example, I was recently made aware that a conservative candidate for office hired a upper level campaign staffer (I am talking like…chief of staff or operations level) that was an LGBT activist for marriage redefinition and SOGI laws. Why would a candidate make that decision? Does that reflect a compartmentalization or potential conflict of interest in political philosophy and follow-through? Does it reflect some form of deception to the constituency the candidate proposes to represent?

I understand the blow-back I will get on this last point, but it’s a legitimate question. If elected officials cannot keep from being sucked into the vortex of lobbyists and money, then why should we believe that they will not be influenced by those closest to their ear? If we were honest we all would say…yep…personnel is a form of policy. Just as we might look at our kids and say, “Hey, you run around with the wrong crowd, don’t be surprised if you get pulled into something wrong”.

Have you researched the campaign staff of your candidate? Do you know what politicians they hang out with? Do you know who they have endorsed or supported by donations? (Donations fit under the verse…”Where a man’s treasure is, there his heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21) Who will they hire? Who will they appoint? Don’t forget, we have a number of GOP Presidents who haven’t done all that well with regards to Supreme Court appointments either.

Who a person hangs out with can tell us a lot.

NEXT: Conclusion, What if it looks like no one fits the bill?

Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at: bairdk370@gmail.com

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