The Kudzu Strategy of LGBT’s and SOGI Legislation

image Japanese Kudzu

You may not know what kudzu is.

It is a Japanese plant that resembles something between a vine and lettuce. Where these plants are naturalized, they can be invasive and are considered noxious weeds. The plant climbs over trees or shrubs and grows so rapidly that it kills them by heavy shading. You see lots of kudzu in South Carolina growing on the side of the road and attaching itself to anything that is stationary. It grows on anything…concrete, asphalt, electric poles, fences…anything. The original thought behind importing this plant was that it would be an inexpensive way to feed farm animals, especially cattle, thereby reducing expenses and increasing profits. Perhaps there was a good intent with regards to the idea of kudzu in the beginning, but now it has become archaic and an incredible burden and expense to maintain and remove from all that it grows on. Keep that thought front and center as we consider the LGBTer’s pushing SOGI legislation. What was initially perceived as an economic benefit has become an invasive weed costing more than ever imagined.

Since the state SOGI efforts in Indiana went down to an unprecedented defeat, the LGBT mafia has been moving from town to town and city to city to coerce and force tyranny upon the citizens of Indiana. This incremental strategy is what I call, the “Kudzu Strategy”. Their statewide attempt and initiative failed, so inch by inch they are invasively covering every municipality, hoping to drive Christians back behind the four walls of their churches or homes unless we capitulate to facilitating and celebrating their homosexual events. (I refrain from calling it marriage any more because that would be acknowledging there was such a thing. It would be tantamount to saying, “Let’s go for a unicorn ride”.) Their agenda is growing on everything and in much the same way kudzu was initially perceived as an economic plus, the sad reality will be that it will cost more than we ever imagined.

Pastors, as well as Christian citizens, are rightfully concerned about the effects of the “Kudzu Strategy”. It is challenging to mobilize people from town to town and county to county to stop the spread of this “noxious” legislation. The LGBT mafia understands this and is strategically using it to their advantage. In order to help resource pastors and Christian citizens who may find the courage to challenge their city and county councils, I would offer the following 5 reasons as response points with regards to responding to these attempts:

FIVE (5) Reasons to Object to SOGI Legislation Currently Proposed in Indiana

1. The legislation opens up forced coercion upon the business owner.

If a Christian is forced to facilitate a homosexual event which violates a sincerely held religious belief, then will the Jewish Deli be forced to facilitate the Nazi skin-head reception? Will an Internet Web-site designer be forced to create an Ashley Madison site for couples seeking adultery? Will a baker be forced to manufacture cakes with decorations resembling private parts (yes, this has happened) in spite of a conscience conviction that would prohibit such things? Where exactly does this line end? Does a T-shirt printer have to manufacture shirts with vulgar words emblazoned on the front? Would anyone be required to service an ISIS recruiting meeting? This legislation is really an attempt to single out and target Christians in the marketplace. It is anti-Christian bigotry at its worst.

2. The legislation compartmentalizes the Christian’s faith.

A person’s faith journey is not restricted to the 4 walls of their church facility or the geographical location of their church. Pastors across America (and Indiana) have encouraged their members for years to take their faith and live it out in their everyday life. This reflection of faith not only includes the benevolent aspects of Christianity but would also include avoidance of those activities which God deems objectionable. This legislation automatically and legally puts Christian business people in a place they must choose their faith or potential fines and repercussions. The state has no business trying to be a theological mediator with a Christian’s conscience. The state is intentionally trying to put Christianity and civil government at odds with each other and precipitate a showdown. This was never the intention of the framers of the constitution or our historic relationship.

3. The legislation discourages businesses from opening or entrepreneurial activity in Indiana from Christians.

Contrary to the narrative being disseminated in the state, this legislation discourages small businesses from starting or coming to a city or to Indiana, especially by people of faith. The largest economic engine is small business. This directly impedes Christian business people and discriminates the small business person of faith to pursue their dreams in the state. Corporations and big business are not the only ones allowed to make a profit and do business in our state. The town councils that pass SOGI legislation may as well put a sign up on the city limits reading, “Christian business people not welcome here”.

4. The legislation diminishes the breadth of the first amendment of the Constitution.

This legislation erodes the place of individual liberty which was enshrined by design in the Bill of Rights. Religious liberty has been enshrined in both the Indiana State Constitution as well as the Federal Constitution. This legislation has the real potential of being considered unconstitutional from its inception which would cause untold city or state expense in defending a bill which is unneeded. My guess is that municipalities are setting themselves up for untold litigation expenses and potential punitive damages as Christian businesses begin to take these laws to court.

5. The incremental strategy of the LGBT community.

The presentation of this SOGI bill is couched in the narrative of a discriminated and alienated community. Really? Considering all the LGBT “friendly” businesses which advertise on the Internet, magazines and through various communication outlets it is amazing that this group has the difficulty finding the services it claims it is being restricted from using. The narrative is simply untrue. These laws are strategic, incremental steps to push us to accepting and celebrating an activity and worldview which is incompatible with numerous religious viewpoints. There is no systemic discrimination occurring towards the LGBT community. I would maintain that economically they are one of the best compensated and facilitated groups in America. This legislation is a ruse to move us toward other legislation or litigation with regards to bathrooms (note the mayor from Houston, TX.) and other sacrosanct values.

Don’t be fooled Hoosiers…or Americans at large. The “kudzu” that is being planted in your cities and regions will not go away for a very long time if you let it take root. I can assure you that the farming community who hailed Japanese Kudzu as the answer to their economic woes would be the same community today who would say that it should have never been imported. Let’s not make the same mistake. Uphold religious liberty and individual conscience…before you get covered.


Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:

1 Comment

  • Ted R. Weiland

    March 19, 2016 at 10:03 pm Reply

    Kevin, thank you for your thoughts on this very crucial issue.

    I am familiar with Kudzu. It should be every Christian’s strategy (world view) and if it were, the homosexuals and socialists wouldn’t have a chance at advancing their strategy.

    There’s little I disagree with in your article, except for:

    “4. The legislation diminishes the breadth of the first amendment of the Constitution.

    “This legislation erodes the place of individual liberty which was enshrined by design in the Bill of Rights. Religious liberty has been enshrined in both the Indiana State Constitution as well as the Federal Constitution….”

    I believe that today’s homosexual agenda is instead a direct consequence of the Constitution and the First Amendment that paved the way for the homosexuals and other God-haters to advance their wicked agendas here in America–the whirlwind effect Hosea wrote about in Hosea 8:1, 7. Please, allow me to explain.

    1) If not for the 18th-century founders replacing the 17th-century Colonial governments of, by, and for God established upon His unchanging moral law (including Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13) for their own humanistic government of, by, and for the people based upon capricious Enlightenment and Masonic concepts, there would be no homosexual agenda in America today because no sodomite or lesbian would dare risk exposing themselves to petition the government for their “rights.”

    2) If not for the 18th-century founders replacing the First Commandment with the First Amendment, there would be no religious freedom in America by which any and all gods (or no gods) and their laws and culture are openly proliferated here in America:

    “…Religious Freedom and Christian Liberty are not the same thing. They are, in fact, hostile to each other. The former is born of the First Amendment. The latter is born of the First Commandment. In 1789, the First Commandment and Christian Liberty were formally sacrificed on the altar of the First Amendment and Religious Freedom.

    “When the 18th-century founders replaced the First Commandment (found intact in some 17th-century Colonial Constitutions) with the First Amendment, America was transformed from a predominantly monotheistic Christian nation (a united nation under one God) into arguably the most polytheistic nation to exist (a divided nation under many gods).

    “It’s one thing to allow for individual freedom of conscience and private choice of gods, something impossible to legislate for or against. It’s another matter altogether for government to enable any and all religions to proliferate through the land and evangelize our posterity to false gods. This is what the First Amendment legitimizes. It is an unequivocal violation of the First Commandment and the polar opposite of the following First Commandment statute:

    ‘[Y]e shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves. For thou shall worship no other god: for Yahweh, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: Lest thou … go a whoring after their gods….’ (Exodus 34:13-15)….”

    For more, see blog article “National Religious Freedom Day aka Celebrating the Founders’ Violation of the First Commandment” at

    Then online Chapter 11 “Amendment 1: Government-Sanctioned Polytheism” of “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

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