You Can’t Beat Something With Nothing

Gary DeMar, the insightful reconstructionist writer, first introduced me to the colloquial political phrase, “You can’t beat something with nothing”. What that means is that there comes a moment when critique and analysis of “Babylon’s problems” are no longer enough. To perpetually evaluate rulers that are committed to a Babylonian system of ruling becomes redundant and futile. Yes, the rulers of this age are predominantly deceived and the kingdoms of this world will ultimately collapse. This is self-evident by the testimony of Scripture as well as the record of history. The ash heap of once great nations is tall enough to make the point uncontested. My point is that there comes a moment when we shift the conversation from how tentative and corrupt Babylon and it’s rulers are, to what will replace these systems and rulers when the whole thing collapses (and it will collapse)?

As difficult as it might be to believe, I am an optimist. However, my optimism is not in earthly rulers or even the possibilities of America, but rather my optimism is in God and His ways alone. If rulers and nations embrace God’s ways, then my optimism can spill over into those areas. If they turn their back on God’s ways, then I have every scriptural reason to assume collapse is not far behind. That is biblical truth pure and simple. So the questions arise, “How long do I pound the civic arena with analysis concerning it’s inevitable collapse? At what point am I simply stating the obvious to a world (and sometimes a Church) that can’t see it nor wishes to? How should we spend our limited time and resources when we know Babylon’s days are numbered?”

There is a growing network of some incredibly smart, anointed, and skilled ministers who are awakening to the plight we are faced with here in America. They are recognizing that if Jesus is Lord of ALL (and that means EVERYTHING) then there are some significant foundational problems in our politics, elections, and civic government. They are recognizing that these politicians’ and institutions’ days are numbered. They are asking the question that if these areas collapse (and they will), then what replaces it? If anarchy is unleashed in the society, what will bring order? Simply shouting at the problem will not answer the question as to where will we go from here? You can’t beat something with nothing.

I want to suggest that the constant critique on social media (and the MSM) of the GOP, Trump, Democrats and Washington DC in general is becoming shrill and unproductive. Don’t misunderstand me, there is more than enough fodder to keep a biblical worldview bonfire going for years. I am no less frustrated, disgusted, and incensed over multiple infractions and sins of the civic arena. But my righteous indignation may not be the best use of my time or energy. A constant drip of critique may be accurate, but at the moment everyone outside of a solid biblical worldview are intractable to any thought of change. Democrats are against everything Trump suggests. Republicans are generally for everything Trump suggests. The Church and its ministers, by and large, are giddy over their President Cyrus. None of this is going to change by dripping forth tweets and posts. The only thing that will arrest the attention of America in its current state is a tsunami of God’s Spirit either by revival or judgment or both. Pain has a unique way of grabbing people’s attention. Perhaps, the better use of our energy is to begin to lay the foundation of what a Christian civilization should actually look like. Begin to raise up a new generation of ministers, prophets, civic leaders, activists, and church members to be ready to provide leadership when the inevitable collapse takes place.

Bonhoeffer understood in 1935 that Germany would not survive the leadership of Hitler or the philosophy of the Nazi’s. He could not predict the moment of collapse but he left America and returned to Germany to challenge the compromised Church and prepare the clergy for that inevitable moment. I am not suggesting that America is in the same analogous state as was Germany in World War 2. I am, however, suggesting that when Babylonian philosophy manifests in civic government that it’s future is no less predictable.

I am being reminded that the full definition of repentance is to not only “turn away” from something, but also to “turn towards” something else. It is time to declare the full meaning of repentance. The constant caustic analysis has only begotten paralysis. There may be a season for vigorous critique, but my sense is that it is time to paint the optimistic picture of what God sees as a vital, productive, and blessed Christian civilization. If suddenly Babylon threw us the keys to this nation and said, “Here, you run it”, do we have a vision for what that looks like? Are we preparing the type of leaders now that are needed to skillfully administrate it? We can lift our biblical precepts high, but have we painted a picture that a blind world and fuzzy Church can see clearly?

The Lord outlined a part of the prophet’s job to Jeremiah when He said:

“See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.” ‭
Jeremiah‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Yes, there is an appropriate place to tear down the false notions and idols that enslave every nation. The prophets certainly proclaimed judgment to wayward rulers and nations. However, that is not the totality of the assignment. The prophet is expected to provide a solution to what he has torn down. He must also “build and plant”. In other words, what’s the solution? What replaces what you have thrown down? For me…I better spend some time teaching, writing and declaring the biblical alternative instead of the perpetual critiquing of the crumbling pillars of the kingdoms of this world. We are all on the clock.

Remember…You can’t beat something with nothing.

Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:


  • Michael J. Young Sr.

    March 4, 2017 at 3:02 pm Reply

    Wow! Wow! (I can’t say it enough) Wow!

    FINALLY, an “article” that goes to the root and clearly states the problem and offers not only a warning, but a solution and points in a decisive direction.

    (And admits to Conservative’s and Christian’s failure to do little more than consider, compare and to complain ad nauseam.)

    Brave. Bold. Decisive. Now, however, I want to read more about the details of this direction. How can I be involved? Please.

  • Blasius Achiri-Taboh

    January 23, 2019 at 5:10 am Reply

    Dear Dr. Kevin Baird,
    I am Dr. Blasius Achiri-Taboh, Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Buea in Cameroon. I would like to get a clarification about the quote “you can’t beat something with nothing.” I understand it to be an ancient quote, but I would like to know its original author and when. I would like to use it as an epigraph to a chapter in a book I am writing.
    Best wishes for the New Year,


    • Kevin Baird

      January 23, 2019 at 5:51 am Reply

      Honestly, the first time I saw the phrase was in the book, The Reduction Of Christianity, by Peter Leithart and Gary DeMar. If it’s ancient, I would have to Google to figure that out.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. God bless!!!!

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