REBUILDING BLOCK 8: Training the Next Generation

For all of the obvious errors that can be unveiled in a secular worldview, the strategy relativists and secularists have used to seize our culture has been amazingly effective. Say what you want, their relentless pursuit of changing the historical narrative of America, the philosophical underpinnings of our Constitution, and the dismissal of the need for a Judeo-Christian ethos has been remarkable. Everyone, including the most optimistic among us, recognize that we are on the front side of a “post-modern” America. Their success is due in no small part to capturing the minds of the next generation through any and every means possible. They have infiltrated the public school system, taken over most colleges and universities, and commandeered the media. There is hardly a direction you can turn that secularism hasn’t entrenched itself. The last bastion of hope still resides in the Bible-believing Church which unfortunately does not see the need many times to address the challenge or has simply capitulated to a theology of inevitability which has already raised the white flag of surrender.

Simply stated, rebuilding a Christian civilization must become a generational strategy. Whatever gains we might make in defending and restoring God-ordained values in my generation will only be enlarged by making sure the next generation is prepared to receive the baton. To do this is going to take something more substantive than 28 minute object lessons to adults, smoke machines, laser lights, high definition video, light ambiance, skinny jeans, tight t-shirts, and pastors who pump weights and sport trendy eye wear. Again, forgive my broad brush strokes in painting the 21st century Christian church. I have no real angst against churches and pastors looking contemporary and using various methods and means to communicate the Gospel and scriptural precept. (My wife is constantly trying to keep me looking young and stylish for which I am grateful.) I believe God uses all sorts of means and tools to capture people’s attention, so creativity and technology is not the critique. The shallowness which all too often follows some of these means and tools is, however, the critique. If there is no real substance to what we are doing, then the mission fails no matter how good we look.

The following is a short list of questions and suggestions that the Church (Christian people) need to wrestle with if we are serious about advancing our principles and advocating our values…

– Can a public education system steeped in the philosophy of Babylon really prepare your children for God’s purposes and mission?

(Let me say that I know numbers of courageous Christian teachers in the public school system who view themselves as “missionaries”. I do not minimize their work or ministry. However, these “missionaries” must be prepared to press their Christian worldview into this sphere and be prepared for the accompanying adversity.)

(I also know Christian parents who have children in public school because any other option simply will not work. Daniel, as an example, was partially trained in the ways of Babylon and was incredibly used by God to challenge the Persian Kings. However, should a parent make this choice the ancillary decision you are making is hyper-monitoring of your child’s education, perpetual correction of public school error, and deep commitment to their Christian training in a discipling plan.)

(I also believe that in the next 20 years the Church is going to need to change it’s financial paradigm to include the building of Christian Schools that will disemminate consistently a biblical worldview for more than.)

– Instilling in your children (and the next generation) the ongoing mandate of dominion and their part in it. As a part of the Christian community, they must be prepared to carry the torch of testimony of Christ’s comprehensive rule.

– Tithing to the local church. (Hopefully that church has envisioned the possibilities and purposes of God in reformation as well as evangelism and discipleship.) Sacrificially giving to those ancillary ministries actively working to reform culture.

– Using media and social media to combat secularist’s error and propagate Christian worldview and answers. Media is another educational arm of the Church. It can entertain, but with a purpose.

– Catechizing (discipling) your children in sound doctrine and biblical wisdom. Do you make them memorize Scripture? Do you help them in the application of Scripture? Do you teach them why to tithe, pray, be baptized, receive communion, be courageous, and the essentials of the Christian Faith?

Undoubtedly, the Church has a responsibility in assisting the transition and training of one generation to the next, but ultimately the parents must execute the plan into the lives of their children. A civilization is built one “brick” at a time. The individual must be committed to participating in the rebuilding project. The marriage must be committed to the plan. The family must be committed as well, and so on. It is true that Jesus never intended, in my humble opinion, to create a cumbersome organization bloated with programs that simply usurped the place of parents and relational discipleship. The geography of His Kingdom was found in the relationships of believers and the ties of family. If we can restore these important foundational stones of life, then we will see significant change in just a few short generations.

I have a cousin who I would consider to be a successful farmer (actually cattleman). Growing up, his father had a typical farming operation that included working farmland as well as cattle. As my cousin matured and grew, both he and his brother enlarged the scope of the operation. He had children, of which one was a vet and the other a lawyer which expanded even further their scope of influence and dominance in this field. While I have never asked for a profit/loss sheet, I suspect that millions of dollars now flow through what once was a simple family farm operation. It only took 3 generations to exercise significant dominion in this field. It is a kingdom principle of success and advancement. It is the model we need as the Church to execute immediately with regards to spiritual and moral impact. Rebuilding can be done and happen rapidly, if Christians take serious the steps in their own households to head that direction.

Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:

1 Comment

  • Michael Young

    April 1, 2017 at 12:18 pm Reply

    This building block is getting down to business. The first paragraph, especially, is breathtakingly true.

    I am focused on the thought that “The strategy relativists and secularists… have infiltrated the public school system, taken over most colleges and universities, and commandeered the media. There is hardly a direction you can turn that secularism hasn’t entrenched itself. The last bastion of hope still resides in the Bible-believing Church which unfortunately does not see the need many times to address the challenge or has simply capitulated to a theology of inevitability which has already raised the white flag of surrender.”

    This take-over has happened over decades and it may take decades to undo the damage and to recapture our culture and Nation.

    I want to add that the “Bible-believing Church” many times not only does not see the need to address the challenge, it does not EVEN RECOGNIZE THE CHALLENGE. And this CHALLENGE has nestled down within its own pews and looks like the wheat. Worse yet, the tares are now the “influencers”.

    The strategy relativists and secularists, as you call them, are easily recognizable and their teaching and influence must be negated and countered.

    A greater threat, that must be named and culled out, are the Religious Humanists.

    The Religious Humanists are the true tares. Looking and sounding so much like Christ followers, but they are not. They are the antithesis of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul warns us of these, “… holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.” Yet we buy their books, consume their goods and flock to their movies (The Shack, for example. And I confidently use this example after substantial research, thought and prayer) and are numbed to The Gospel and the Call of God by the effects of their poison.

    Augustine had great influence on the form, function and practice of Christian church as far back as AD 327. So, strategically redefining or reshaping our view and practice of ‘doing church’ is nothing new. But, it opens the door to changing the message and the practice of that message, being the Gospel, Itself. Now, in these presumably, Last Days, the Bible-believing Church has both simply capitulated to a theology of inevitability which has already raised the white flag of surrender and incorporated the LIE into their belief systems.

    So, we must pay close attention and take seriously the points of action you make as the remedy. And, knowing is just not enough. We must believe, say and DO what is necessary.

    One last thing: Our misunderstanding of the word ‘tolerance’ is causing great confusion within the Church Body. Because the tares among us, the secularists and the religious humanists accuse us of intolerance we now tolerate their false teaching and false doctrines and our next generation has begun to practice these deceptions. We must learn to judge rightly, again, and clean up our mess.

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