Exciting Personal Announcement

What I am about to share constitutes (at least for me) a big announcement. After 35 years of almost non-stop pastoral ministry, and currently entering into the 60th year of life, the moment has arrived for Tracie and me to transition into the next phase or season of ministry assignment. Beginning January 1, 2019, I will no longer be the Lead Pastor of Legacy Church in Charleston, SC. After months of prayer and earnestly seeking of the Will of the Lord, along with the input of those who know me best, the time has come to bring closure to this season and walk into our future purposes the Lord has ordained.

What might that new season look like? I’m glad you asked…

As with every faith step, I am sure the picture will have many details I do not know as of yet, but I suspect it will include the following…

Renewing and releasing the fresh call on my life to the Body of Christ in America and globally…
Teaching and training aspiring ministers…
Preaching, teaching, and ministering at conferences and pastors’ gatherings…
Ministering to and working with pastors, leaders and local churches in sharing some 35 years of incredible lessons, pastoral insights, and wisdom…
Encouraging and challenging God’s people and the local church through writing and speaking…

And who knows (except God) what else…

Tracie and I are super excited about the new flexibility and possibility of all that awaits ahead. And might I just say, if our ministry would be of interest to anyone reading this post (because my wife is a phenomenally gifted speaker as well on numerous subjects), then we would excitedly look forward to visiting with you concerning those possibilities.

What becomes of Legacy Church?

After careful evaluation with the eldership of Legacy Church, as well as diligently seeking God concerning His Will over the course of months, we have come to the conclusion that this is the appropriate moment to bring Legacy Church to a God-honoring and respectful closing. This decision does not come lightly as much prayer and analysis was exercised in this decision. Challenges to a church alone do not necessarily lead to a closure, but after evaluating the multiplicity of challenges it became providentially evident that God was using this moment to bring understanding and leadership to this decision and direction. I have met with two local attorney’s who have expertise in this area and we are moving through the process of closing this ministry in both legal and integral ways. The targeted closure date is Sunday, December 30th, when we hope to have a great celebration and sending service for those who have faithfully labored in this work. We love these incredible finishers very, very much.

Until that December 30th service, we are choosing to use these next 10 weeks to celebrate our 21 years of ministry in this city and 16+ years together as a church to demonstrate and model how a ministry concludes it’s service to a community and crosses the finish line in it’s purpose.

Instead of just ending…and scattering…
We are choosing to spend the next 10 weeks…
Saying all the things (nice things, LOL) that need to be said…

This city (Charleston, SC) has solicited a myriad of emotions from me through the years. I join the ranks of the Wesley brothers, George Whitefield, and a host of others who could fill a journal concerning their ministry time in Charleston.

To my friends, especially the untold numbers of pastors I have crossed paths through the years and to whom I call “friend”, I thank you for your encouragement and many kindnesses. You will never know how valuable that friendship has been to me when providentially you called or text to share some word of edification. Numbers of you have literally been life-savers.

To the faithful members of Legacy, I thank you for your love, your loyalty, and your longevity. I will never forget the faces I saw this past Sunday. You are the finishers. Your faces will be forever etched in the living scrapbook of my mind and my heart. I may have more to say 10 weeks from today when the final “Amen” is said to our Legacy gathering, but know at this moment, I appreciate and respect each one of you. Thanks for hanging tough when it wasn’t easy. Your crowns will be full.

And by the way…this blog site will be refreshed and become the train station for the upcoming announcements, schedules, and ministry updates some may like to know. It will be one of our connect points.

And to everyone…


“The latter work is always greater than the former” (Haggai 2:9 KRB)

The best really is yet to come…

Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at: bairdk370@gmail.com

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