As many of you who are reading this blog know, I am about to embark on a new journey that is full of both excitement and anxiety. I resist using the term “fear”, because God is not the Author of that spirit. However, to be perfectly candid, the steps of faith and the inherent risk they almost always produce can at times be fraught with a number of human emotions. So to say there isn’t some appropriate anxiety in these days would be a lie, but those emotions are certainly restrained in the confidence that I am stepping into a new season of the Will of God for my life.

What is this “new” journey?

I have recently declared and am presently at the moment of walking through one of the greatest transitions of my ministerial life. I am concluding 35 years of pastoral ministry and beginning (completely by faith) to pursue the “prophetic” calling on my life. What is a “prophetic” calling? Those of you who have fellowshipped in Spirit-filled circles may need no explanation; however, for those friends (and you are indeed friends) who may worship in more traditional, reformed, or mainline churches may like some brief explanation. (And by the way, I teach on this subject at the university level in a full semesters class, so I am sure my brevity may solicit as many questions as I may answer.)

The prophetic ministry is basically a ministry of recovery and insight. It’s a passionate reminder as to what the heart and will of God is to be in our lives and in the earth. New Testament prophets recognize the established authority of Scripture and their place as the final say in all matters upon which they touch (appropriately interpreted), but also have a unique gift as a “seer” (much like the sons of Issachar who understood the times). There are many misconceptions and misapplications today concerning the prophetic ministry (which is one of the reasons I feel released from pastoring so those convolutions might be addressed); however, misuse or abuse does not necessarily constitute disuse. My heart is to see restored the prophetic voice in God’s servants and His Church in a credible and impactful way.

The new ministry which has been launched for this new season is called, Legacy Christian Ministries. It will encompass several aspects of vision which has been stirring in my heart for some time, as well as having the ability to receive donations and offerings from those who feel led to participate in the resourcing of the mission. My wife, Tracie, is on this journey with me and is an incredibly gifted speaker herself which broadens our impact in so many potentially fruitful ways.

Much could be said (and probably will be in the near future) concerning the FOUR legs of the vision that I sense is from the Lord with regards to this ministry and season; however, I want to provide a Habakkuk 2:2-3 moment to honor the Lord and open a door to His Providential ways…

Then the Lord answered me and said:
“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.

So, let me present the FOUR legs of the vision for Legacy Christian Ministries…


There has always been a prophetic aspect to my calling. Granted, I have this unusual mix of teaching, prophesying, and cultural engagement; but the expression leaves little doubt that the ministry role I best fit into presently is that of Prophet. I sense an imperative to help restore and release a prophetic unction (anointing) upon the Church and it’s leaders once again. I am convinced that we have yet to see the complete restoration and expression of the Church functioning in it’s prophetic role in the earth. This would happen primarily through…

(When was the last time you heard a sermon series or attended a seminar focusing on the prophetic role of the Church in your community or region? How does it work? What does it look like? What about predictions? How do you handle statements which are prefaced by, “The Lord would say”?)

(As the old saying goes, “Some things are better caught than taught”. This is not to diminish instruction but to highlight that the Church needs to “catch” a fresh prophetic zeal. How does the Church speak to the culture with authority? Where is the balance between compassion and justice, mercy and wrath, or grace and holiness?)

(How will the people of God and the Church be released into this role? What part do we all play in God’s restoring of His Church? How does the Body function as a prophetic demonstration to a watching world?)

(Pastors and their people can become exhausted and depleted. The right word at the right time can be an incredible factor in restoring the zeal for the work at a local church. Prophets were essential in both the rebuilding of the Temple and the Wall. How might that look as we seek to strengthen and rebuild the 21st century Church?)


The prophetic ministry has TWO important aspects associated with it: Revival and Reformation. Revival without reformation is simply a series of exciting services. Reformation without revival is simply a Christian based political action group. However, when revival and reformation flow together there is a powerful opportunity for true cultural impact. In order for this to take place an intentional paradigm shift needs to take place in both arenas. Hence, the continuation of the Christian Legacy Institute (formerly The Bonhoeffer Institute). This institute will provide the following:

-A strategic think-tank for the perpetuation of the Christian Faith in a growingly hostile environment.

-A training center for Christian leaders to engage the civic arena with a biblical worldview.

-An appreciation and accentuation of the need and place of revival in our churches and culture.


Labels unfortunately have baggage associated with them and undoubtedly this one has plenty. That being said, this ministry is unapologetically Pentecostal in its doctrinal orientation. Some have called such doctrine Charismatic, Full-Gospel, or Spirit-filled. The theological term is continuationism. Our current era has lost many of it’s most important voices and defenders of this theological perspective. This is not to suggest that this ministry is in any way sectarian, but there is no vice in presenting a vigorous defense and presentation of a Pentecostal theology which underscores the work of the Holy Spirit in both revival and reformation. This ministry is intended and designed to unapologetically affirm the authority of the Scriptures while walking in the fulness of the Spirit. In an era when questionable expressions of this perspective have increased and many are confused about the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, our hope is that we can be a voice and demonstration for a biblical example of the prophetic.


The local church under the leadership of a lead pastor is the linchpin for cultural reformation and revival. God, by virtue of His Church, has established the most incredible, spiritual infrastructure imaginable all across this nation and the globe. If the Church was ever activated and mobilized in the full mission of the Scriptures, it would indeed be unstoppable. I believe that is possible if a network of pastors caught that vision.

Many pastors are affiliated with a denomination or ministerial fellowship which provides for them various levels of fellowship, oversight, and resourcing. These groups are good and necessary. However, I envision (probably through Christian Legacy Institute) a national network of pastors and Christian leaders who have been trained and endorsed to speak prophetically to both Church and culture. Where will the prophets gather? How can their collective voice begin to be heard in unity? I am seeing a relationally built leadership network that can begin to speak to this entire nation. My hope is that as people get connected to the vision of activating and mobilizing pastors that many will support LCM on a consistent basis in order that I might reach out to smaller churches and assist, resource, and encourage them at low or no cost to their budget. There are thousands of small church pastors who would love to have a seasoned prophetic minister strengthen and enlarge their vision. I do not think it is overstating to envision 100,000 Bible-believing pastors networked to speak prophetically to a nation desperately in need of God’s voice.

At this point, I am at the nascent stage with this vision, but the internal fire is lit. There is much resource to call forth and flow towards the vision as well as the providential steps which will connect those who are like-minded in the things I wrote above. I am all too aware that large vision starts small and blossoms from the ground of faithfulness. There are so many other things I could mention by way of my traveling schedule, the updated True Disciples Podcast, and getting this blog site refreshed, but if you have read this far I will presume upon you no longer.

I hope as a reader (perhaps even a friend) you will stay in touch with this site and perhaps as the Spirit leads, you might even consider supporting or inviting this ministry to your local church. I am looking forward to reconnecting with many, many dear friends across the nation, as well as meeting new friends.

I am believing this last quarter of my life in ministry will be the most effective. My wife and I are ALL IN with the mission to MAKE HIS NAME GREAT!

If this resonates with you, contact me through this site or social media message and I would love to network for future endeavors.

Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:


  • Lisa Magee

    November 15, 2018 at 11:31 am Reply

    So excited for you and Tracie and this new chapter for you! It is so needed today! Blessings to you and this ministry!

    • Kevin Baird

      November 16, 2018 at 3:32 am Reply

      Thanks Lisa. We’re excited too!

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