An Introduction to Rebuilding a Christian Civilization

The end of eight long years of secular, godless, humanism would make any righteousness, loving Christian do a happy dance. No one was happier than me to see the Obamas (and then the Clintons) ushered off the civic government stage. There were no tears saying good-bye to the perpetrators of the rainbow tyranny and the slaughter of innocents. One might assume that with that introduction that I am a rabid Trump supporter, however, as many of my friends and readers are aware, I was not convinced that Donald Trump was the answer or the election strategy. I will stipulate and say that since his election he has done some things for which I can cheer, other things for which I am puzzled, and a couple of things which are clearly unscriptural. I will watch him carefully and analyze his presidency according to the Scriptures and not the zeal of party partisanship. You may ask, “Why the hesitancy? When so many evangelicals are giddy with their praises and adoration over the President, why would you be cautious?”

The answer is amazingly simple…

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Guilt By Association

Years ago as a young pastor in Oakland, California, I was preaching a sermon series focusing on the Kingdom of God. I had recently read some books from E. Stanley Jones, the famous Methodist missionary, some exceptional Baptist dispensational writers, as well as some reformed Presbyterian authors. All of these camps, despite being polar opposites on numerous theological subjects, had some fascinating thoughts concerning the Kingdom of God. I decided to dig into the Scripture and determine where I was going to land on this important topic. Anyone who knows me knows how meticulous and precise I can be with such things. After much serious study I shared my findings and my conclusions in this sermon series. It was no “private” interpretation I can assure you. It was not only orthodox Christianity, but it was ruthlessly Scriptural. I would have it no other way.

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Legislating Courage

Our soon to be President, Donald Trump, made a campaign promise to evangelical pastors of repealing the Johnson Amendment (JA) to the IRS Code 501(c)3. For those of you unfamiliar with this amendment you may recognize it as the prohibition for churches (and by extension pastors) of participating in and influencing elections and “endorsement” of specific candidates. It has been the “stick” the government has used on occasion to attempt to keep the church disengaged and pastors silent on crucial public policy questions and legislation.
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I Can’t Fight the Santa War

I am diving into the controversy of the ages…a place even angels fear to tread…you guessed it…the Santa-war.

I am reading about a dozen different sites which appear every holiday season concerning the Santa dilemma. Should we or shouldn’t we? Is it harmless or evil? Will kids have fun or be ultimately harmed?

Silly me…

I have decided to jump in…

Short version…Santa is not the problem…at least not the main one…and I can’t fight this war.

Long version…
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Camping On Quicksand

The 2016 election is mercifully over. It is now President-elect Donald Trump. I extend genuine congratulations to both the President-elect and all his passionate voters. As I have consistently said, God is sovereign and as mysterious as sovereignty and man’s liberty can be on occasion, I accept the fact that the Lord will perform His Will according to Romans 8:28, in the life of His people. Whether it be judgment or blessing, His Will be done. Like most of you, there is no disappointment watching the amoral and criminal Clinton machine sent to the political junkyard. And while I am still highly skeptical that Trump will be that “Cyrus, Jehu, Samson, or David”, it costs me nothing to be optimistic and pray that the Lord will indeed direct Mr. Trump’s heart as a river and turn it as He (the Lord) pleases (Proverbs 21:1).

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