Why We Keep Getting Poor Candidate Choices (Part 6)

This is the last point I wish to make concerning the activation of the Biblical filter in a Christian’s mind when it comes to cast a vote for any candidate of any political office. I want to review again several bullet point concepts that have been put on the table without lengthy comment so we can simply keep focus on the premise of these writings:

– There is no perfect candidate and I “get” that Jesus will never be on the ballot. That is a lazy, intellectual response to the seriousness of a Christian’s obligation to citizenship.
– The Scripture is clear that everything we do (including voting) is to be done to the “glory of God”. The Lord’s glory is involved in our citizenship.
– Government officials are considered to be “ministers of God” and therefore have expectations placed upon them with regards to character, fruit, and worldview.
– The Church (or a Pastor) may not TELL you how to vote, but it is indeed a responsibility to TRAIN you in selecting your rulers. That is a discipleship issue.

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Why We Keep getting Poor Candidate Choices (Part 5)

If you are just tuning into these posts, I would highly recommend you start with the INTRODUCTION and catch up as I am trying to lay a foundation for how a Christian should vote. To review some important concepts in bullet points I would simply say:

* Christians are to honor God with their vote and realize that whatever they do they do for the glory of God. (I Corinthians 10:31)
* The Church (or a Pastor) is not responsible for TELLING you who to vote for. They are, however, responsible in TRAINING you to vote in a way that follows God’s precepts and principles.
* Rulers (Government office holders) are considered by God to be “ministers” who have expectations, responsibilities, and standards placed upon their life in order that those they lead made have confidence. (Romans 13:4,6)Continue Reading

Why We Keep Getting Poor Candidate Choices (Part 4)

Leadership has a spiritual component attached to it. Things like wisdom, discernment, insight, self-control, and the like are all intricately tied into the spirit. A good and godly leader must have and maintain these qualities if their leadership is to reflect righteousness and solicit God’s favor. That is why it is critical to consider the spiritual status of the candidate running for office. There is a legitimate place to evaluate (because we can’t use the term, “judge”) a candidate’s spiritual condition or proclivity.

The oft repeated phrase of those who ignore such evaluations will say that it is impossible to “judge the heart” of another. At one level that is certainly true for only God can ultimately dissect the status of a heart. However, we are not left to total spiritual ambiguity when it comes to how we might evaluate where a candidate may be spiritually.Continue Reading

Why We Keep Getting Poor Candidate Choices (Part 3)

Leadership is born out of leadership and management in other arenas of life. This principle is most easily seen by the historical fact that Americans like electing people who have participated in military service. It is not an absolute necessity to have served in the military, but it can often time help. Why? It demonstrates certain qualities and abilities that might be helpful for the office that is being sought. This concept is not new. It is a Biblical one as well. As we continue to offer questions that might vet potential candidates for office, let’s review a couple of items to make sure we are remembering what we are building upon.

* Government Officials are considered “ministers of God”. (Romans 13:4,6)
* No one is “telling” you how to vote, but most people need “training” in how a vote should be cast as a Christian citizen.
* Government begins with answering the question as to how well one governs themselves.
* Our vote involves an action which should give glory to God. (I Corinthians 10:31)Continue Reading

Why We Keep Getting Poor Candidate Choices (Part 2)

Governing is a serious matter. In fact, the Scripture speaks of 4 distinct areas of government which the Lord underscores as important arenas of “rule”. These areas are:

1. Self-government
2. Marriage / Family Government
3. Church Government
4. Civil Government

The next posts will focus on these four areas because it lays the foundation for the Christian to begin to “filter” who might best be qualified or prepared for the job of civil government. Let’s review several points as we ask this question:Continue Reading