“How do I participate in voting when there are no E18 candidates on the ballot?”
The time has arrived for the “rubber to hit the road” and to move from the theology of Exodus 18:21, to the application of the principle. Since I function and minister in the civic arena as my primary focus, I have, what I think, is a unique vantage point to make these applications. Allow me to say clearly, I do not consider myself the final say or even a notable “expert” on such matters. That said, I find it fascinating to note that one recognized expert, Dr. Wayne Grudem, in his 600+ page text book, “Politics According to the Bible”, makes absolutely NO reference to the Exodus 18:21 principle in its pages. A glaring omission from my vantage point as all politics starts with an election. (By the way, his book is well worth the time reading for many other considerations.)