FIVE (5) Steps in Stopping a Pro-Life Civil War

image Stopping the Civil War

The GOP is learning a hard lesson this election cycle (at least we hope they learn). You cannot make campaign promises and claim you are the natural home for conservatives, evangelicals, and constitutionalists; and then retreat to the halls of government and forget the goals you were sent to accomplish. This election cycle demonstrates there is a full blown civil war brewing in the ranks of the GOP because it’s leaders are not responding to the grassroots frustration. Political job security and tenure are based on how well goals were accomplished and plans were executed. The upheaval we are watching in this primary is really the job evaluation. The grassroots profoundly believe that the GOP has failed. I illustrate this blog subject with this reality because a similar dynamic is happening within the pro-life movement (PLM). In much the same way, there is a brewing civil war within the ranks of the PLM between what some have called the “establishment” pro-life advocates and the grassroots supporters.

Let me be clear, I know good people who have waged valiant efforts to decrease abortion in our nation. It is difficult to carefully distinguish and critique political or legislative strategy from a person’s heart. It is not my intention to impugn other’s intentions as to their passion to stop abortion. However, it is my full intention to question the strategies by which it is supposedly being implemented. When you have waged a battle for 43 years (1973 Roe v. Wade decision) and we still find ourselves losing incredible numbers of babies, there comes a moment we must ask ourselves if the strategy is really working. Any business which failed to accomplish certain goals in that lengthy of time period would have long ago evaluated their business model. When our political adversaries are able to make great gains in cultural change despite GOP super-majorities, it is time to ask the same questions of the establishment PLM and start a productive conversation.

Allow me to suggest FIVE (5) crucial considerations in keeping the PLM cohesive and on the same page to avoid a split…

1. Rekindle the Vision

The professional PLM must again communicate the vision of stopping the killing. Most of your supporters understand the strategy you espouse of incremental regulation which in theory was meant to slowly isolate and extinguish the need for abortion. It was the same argument Lincoln used for slavery with regards to which states entering the Union would be free or slave. We know how well that worked out.

To retain your leadership of this justice-issue, you are going to have to say loud and clear with no ambiguity…”STOP the killing”. The goal is not cleaner and more regulated abortion facilities. The goal is not providing caskets for the aborted babies. The goal is not a better qualified abortuary staff which in theory would supposedly provide a financial pressure which closes the clinic, but in reality is entrenching the longevity of the problem. If you want to be the leader, then you have to clearly rekindle the vision that abortion is a national sin and it needs to stop…NOW.

2. Support Grass Root Legislative Efforts

The PLM deserves some credit for reducing the number of abortions now taking place in this nation and the closure of many clinics. It would be an invalid critique to say that your efforts in lobbying, legislation and education have not had influence in this reality. That being said, it does not diminish your role in undermining others attempts at stopping the killing. I have personally participated and watched in several states attempts at making great legislative strides in reducing abortions only to find your spokespeople testifying against our attempts in committee hearings. There seems to be an arrogance that your “way” is the only way. Why would you openly speak out against “Personhood” or “Heartbeat” bills? If you are at odds with this political strategy, then at the very least you could smile and say nothing. To openly undermine the vision of many is causing you to appear compromised.

3. Endorse Comprehensively Christian Candidates

It is becoming evident that the establishment PLM is becoming tied to the establishment GOP. In fact, the coziness that is at times demonstrated between the two is becoming a concern…a significant concern. Politicians understand the concept of “divide and conquer”. They would love to split the evangelical value voters into various camps. That way, they can pretend to be our friends while triangulating our concerns into irrelevancy. In Indiana, the Senate Majority Leader (GOP) is endorsed by the State Right to Life due to his abortion efforts, yet he is horrific on Religious Liberty and the individual conscience of Christian business people. Why would you endorse a person who seeks to undermine the rights of Christians when you could have easily endorsed his primary opponent which would have upheld both the right to life AND religious liberty? You may have maintained your cozy relationship with a politician, but you are alienating your base which is both pro-life and pro-religious liberty. Illustrations of this dynamic are available in just about every state. This practice needs to be reevaluated and soon.

4. Intentionally Rehab your Image

There is a perception that just as the GOP is out of touch with its base, so it appears the establishment PLM may be as well. When a group (PLM) openly rejects attempts from those who are working to reach the stated purposes of stopping the killing and undermine those efforts, it gives the “appearance” that other concerns may be at work. I understand that to suggest such things is offensive. To suggest that actually stopping abortion would in fact make your jobs and careers obsolete, is a tough critique. I hate to mention it. I really don’t want to believe it. But the fact is…that’s the vibe you are sending to the troops. What are we to think when you sponsor 20-week fetal pain bills in states that don’t do abortions over 16 weeks? What are we to think when your incremental bills create massive abortion super centers that adhere to all the legislation you supported? I understand, this is a tough critique, but your image is suffering and you are losing your influence in the ground troops.

5. Connect to Pastoral Leadership

Everyone agrees that at its root abortion is a spiritual issue. There is also agreement that until pastors and churches get engaged this will continue to be an uphill battle. The good news is that awakening is happening (albeit too slow). The question is, “Is the PLM willing to receive input and potential leadership from the ‘watchmen’ in your state?” I am not a rookie when it comes to the abortion battle. I have been at ground zero (abortion mills) on numerous occasions. I have led efforts on site. I have been in state capitals advocating for life. I have even been at the police station (never officially arrested) to challenge the injustice of law enforcement. I say this to simply underscore I have some credibility in this as a pastor. From my observation and sense of discernment, if the PLM would coalesce behind passionate, cultural engaging pastors, this blight could be stopped swiftly. However the problem is two-fold on this point:

A. The independence and isolation of many in the movement which makes that connection challenging. This is due in part to theological convictions about the local church and pastoral leadership, a territorial attitude about “their” ministry , past church wounds, and a lack of desire for accountability. Until the local church is seen as God’s infrastructure for reformation this may continue to dilute our influence.

B. Recognition that pastoral counsel may be more effective than legal counsel. Of course, Christian lawyers are to be affirmed and encouraged for all they have done and continue to do. This is no slight to their wisdom or skills. Attorneys are vital. However, battles are not won exclusively with natural, legal wisdom alone. Read the Scripture and you will see that God moves consistently with some “out of the box” plans which may look foolish to our natural eyes. For us to trust in lawyers and politicians alone, as good as many of them are, is not necessarily wisdom for spiritual battles. Unfortunately, I have been told by several leaders in the establishment PLM that they would rather trust the legal counsel than the pastoral (or even prophetic) counsel.

There is a sifting that is going on today in America. The cultural challenges are revealing many things which have needed to be seen and addressed. I have often wondered if a “summit” could be called with leaders from various “tribes” of the LIFE movement to attempt to get on the same page and move with some sense of Biblical unity. If not, a civil war is on the horizon and history shows us that nobody wins when that happens. May we learn from history…and not repeat it.


Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:

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