It’s Time Evangelicals Said to Donald Trump…”You’re Fired”.

Like many of you, I watched over these last months, well-respected and notable Christian pastors, professors, ethicists, university presidents, and lobbyists endorse (sometimes reluctantly) Donald Trump for president. I grimaced and groaned as I listened to the reasoning which mostly entailed unprecedented theological acrobatics to reach such a conclusion. Many even admitted that they did not like the conclusion they reached, but the “times” demanded unusual measures so therefore, foundational Scriptural precepts were suspended for the greater cause (or hope) of “conservative values”. I don’t question these people’s motives. I do believe for most (if not all) of them they have a genuine concern about our country and the direction it is headed. However, the time has come to reevaluate this endorsement and defense of Donald Trump. It was a prophetic long-shot in the beginning to imagine such a man carrying the banner of evangelical concerns and values. It has now become a prophetic mandate to rebuke him by distancing ourselves from his candidacy. Contrary to what some will claim in the comment section below, this is not judgmental or pharisaical. This is about conviction, credibility, and consistency.

It is time for conservative Christians and in particular evangelical leadership to tell Donald Trump…”You’re fired”. You are fired as our nominee. We are asking that you step down for the good of this nation. Reason? Total and complete undermining of our concerns, objectives and goals as Biblically-based Christian citizens. A complete loss of moral authority to bring leadership to moral concerns and an inability to execute a campaign that solicits the evangelical base.

I am not going to quote a thousand verses of Scripture to prove the point or review the powerful arguments made by the #nolesseroftwoevils movement. I am not going to list the past or present statements of Trump which illustrate beyond question his untenability as a candidate much less the fruit-bearing believer we have been told. I am simply stating that his moral flaws, which continue to be revealed like the incessant dripping faucet, are jeopardizing the future credibility of the evangelical base and leadership unless we say now, “You’re fired”. It no longer matters as to the who or why of the unveiling of Trump’s worldview, words, or actions. The saturation from the drip of moral repugnance has left us as a constituency with no other choice than to say, “You’re fired”. If we refuse to do it, we risk irrelevancy and lack of credibility for a generation.

I am appealing to Christian leadership which has either directly endorsed Trump or carefully influenced people to consider him to now speak out. You need to clearly articulate that there are lines which cannot be crossed by any candidate of any party. There has to be a moment where you say, “My conscience cannot empower such a person to national civic leadership”. Yes, proclaim loudly and boldly Hillary Clinton’s criminal behavior and her husband’s serial philandering; but don’t use your influence to defend Trump or deflect the justifiable concern that a growing number of people are feeling. Don’t measure Trump by the Clintons. What kind of a plumb-line is that? To simply say (as Donald has already said) that Hillary and Bill have done much worse is analogous to catching your son burglarizing a home but defending him because your neighbor’s son robbed another home by gun point. As a parent, your concern isn’t the crime of the boy next door, but your son’s crime. As a Christian conservative your concern isn’t the demeanor of a godless Democratic Party and their nominee, but YOUR nominee who should know better and is acting no differently. There comes a point when everyone on the block on which you live wonders at what point you will deal with your son. The culture is wondering at what point do we as evangelicals and Christian leaders deal with the GOP nominee. This isn’t about the election anymore. It’s about the future of our moral authority to speak into this convoluted political system and culture. This isn’t about a seat at the table. It’s about our voice in the marketplace. It’s no longer about our standing before the Supreme Court of the United States, but rather our standing before the Court of the universe. Our integrity as Christians, as leaders and as a movement is more important than our perceived need for an election victory. The Jewish people, the very people of God, survived Egypt, the Philistines, Assyria, the Babylonians, Persians, Rome, and even the diaspora. Surely the Church, if forced to, could survive the deplorable Clintons in the pursuit of integrity and the practice of obedience. I know that thought is anathema to those who fear Hillary, but Hillary is small potatoes compared to the loss of your authority with God and your credibility with man.

It is time to say to Donald Trump…”You’re fired”. It is not time to bring out elementary school sophistry and apologetics by saying things like one notable Christian conservative, “…my support for Donald Trump in the general election was never based upon shared values rather it was built upon shared concerns.” He then goes on to suggest it is the Church’s fault due to election apathy that candidates like this must be supported. It is this kind of compartmentalization that is doing as much or more damage to America and the testimony of the Church, than any apathy. Leadership is leadership whether the rank and file “get it” or not. We set and articulate the standard, not capitulate it because of the “times” or the people.

National Christian leaders tried to assuage our skepticism early in this process by pointing out that Donald had a walk with the Lord for some 15 years…
Then we were told that he made a commitment to the Lord at some point in the primary process and he was “growing”…
Now we are being told he is lost but God can still use him and he can be our Cyrus…
“We aren’t electing a pastor or theologian”
“We don’t want religious litmus tests”…
“Don’t you know all men talk this way in locker rooms”…
“Get off your pious high horse”…
“Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone”…
“It was 11 years ago”…
“It was a private conversation”…
“Don’t be a hypocrite when this country bought millions of copies of 50 Shades of Gray”…


Let the world negotiate out with each other it’s inconsistent and hypocritical moral standards, but God’s servants and people know better. We are not hirelings for the conservative movement. We are not window dressing for what’s left of the Republican Party. Our voice cannot be prostituted for the pragmatic cause of defeating the evil Clintons. It is time to call this WHOLE political system to account. We have spent untold hours excoriating the Clintons through the years (which was and is well earned), but we cannot now put our head in the sand acting like our principles do not matter because OUR candidate must prevail. If you do not think a watching world is taking note…I can assure you they are. Does it feel like they are exploiting this moment for their leftist agenda? Yes, it does. But we have no one to blame but ourselves as we let our anger rule our primary voting. That fact, however, is not justification to stay quite now.

It is time to say, “Donald…you’re fired”.

We can love him as one for whom Christ died…
We can disciple him for whatever God may yet have for him to accomplish…
We can fellowship with him and exhort him to good works…
We can provide accountability and a local church to watch over his soul…

But our national Christian leaders need to look him in the eye and do what you know needs to be done and say, “Donald, you are not ready to be president.”

We must not let 150 GOP leaders rescind their endorsements of him on moral grounds while we find ourselves defending him. Their rescinding may be politically expedient, but that does not necessarily make it wrong. We cannot hold the Clintons accountable for their atrocious and deplorable actions, when we smile and defend our nominee who we think is a scintilla better on our own set of personal moral scales. In fact, if we let this moment go, we will have forfeited the future right to have any moral discussion with the political class.

This is not about judging…
This is not about idealism…
This is not about unrealistic standards…

It’s about saving this nation…
It’s about saving Donald Trump…
It’s about saving the credibility of the Christian ministry in America…
It’s about honoring God and the credibility of His servants…

Mr. Trump is a businessman who has said those very words (“You’re fired”) on numerous occasions for the good of his company and brand. He should be the first to understand why we as a constituency would have similar concerns. But whether he ultimately understands it or not, we should understand that our credibility rests on our ability to call it like it is with impartiality.

Again, I want to call on those pastors, theologians, professors, and evangelical advisory board leaders to ask Donald Trump to step aside. It may be a tough call today, but not nearly as tough as the eyes of history will see it 50 years from today. I am praying for some of you by name.

God’s Will be done…

Published byKevin Baird

Dr. Baird is an advocate for believers to live their faith 24/7 and apply it comprehensively in every area of their life. He has traveled extensively speaking on pastors engaging culture and is often solicited as a media analyst or commentator with regards to Christian views in public policy. If you would like to contact him for speaking to your group please contact him at:


  • Ted R. Weiland

    October 10, 2016 at 12:19 pm Reply

    Thanks Kevin for your bold stand!

    It’s also time for most Christians to awaken to the reason WHY America has been relegated to nothing but nincompoops, scoundrels, and outright criminals (the lesser of two evils–if she’s lucky–and always the evil of two lessers) ever since 1787. This, in part, thanks to Article 6’s Christian test ban by which mandatory bibilcal qualifications for civil leaders were also eliminated.

    It is also overlooked that the 18th-century founders usurped Yahweh’s exclusive election authority (Deuteronomy 17:15), thereby turning it over to We the People, the majority of whom, according to Matthew 7:13-14, are in the broad way leading to destruction. Talk about a D U M B idea! Just where do you suppose that’s going to get us? Perhaps the precipice of moral depravity and destruction!?!

    No wonder following every election, America only becomes more ungodly, less Christian, and further enslaved.

    For more, see blog article “Salvation by Election” at

    An expanded audio presentation by the same title can be found at

    • Kay John

      October 11, 2016 at 3:56 am Reply

      Trump is our hope. Hillary wants to open the borders and let theorists in.

  • David Skerritt

    October 10, 2016 at 1:36 pm Reply

    Very persuasive and thought provoking.

  • Rob Robersonb

    October 10, 2016 at 2:15 pm Reply

    I’m joining with your stand Kevin, great article..

  • Kip

    October 10, 2016 at 7:55 pm Reply

    S what exactly, is your Plan B???

    • Kip

      October 10, 2016 at 7:56 pm Reply


    • Ruth Jobes

      October 14, 2016 at 12:53 pm Reply

      Vote for the PLATFORM, NOT the PERSON! We do not have a choice . In reality, no vote IS a vote!

  • Missionary to Mexico

    October 10, 2016 at 8:49 pm Reply

    Great article! I also say, “Donald, you’re fired!” This is why I, via absentee ballot, voted for Tom Hoefling, who is a true Christian and a true conservative. Voting for “the lesser of the two evils” is a very bad testimony for a Christian to an unbelieving world. How can we say that we love Jesus and yet vote for a candidate whose values are not really ours? Doesn’t that make us look like hypocrites to the world?

  • Reverend Steven L. Craft

    October 10, 2016 at 10:58 pm Reply

    God doesn’t have a “Plan B”
    God will prevail regardless who get elected!

  • Reverend Steven L. Craft

    October 10, 2016 at 10:59 pm Reply

    God doesn’t have “plan B’s”

  • gregory alan johnson

    October 11, 2016 at 12:00 am Reply

    Kevin Baird: It’s either Donald or Hillary for CEO/President of US inc. If you’re “firing” Donald, then the only other choice is Hillary. If I were still playing in the Vatican/Illuminati cabal’s “sandbox” of voting (unregistered 8/3/2006 because of two 2006 documentaries on computerized voting, and other things I learned), I’d be supporting Donald with total abandonment. I’d be doing that because I know where Hillary will take what’s left and what she will do with it. I find it fascinating the strong efforts of Romans 10:9 Believers to do their very best to execute Biblical principles on secular systems of authority. I find nothing in scripture (Geneva Edition) that supports said Believers participation in secular systems, including Romans 13:1-7, which applies to the Ekklesia and not the secular.
    It’d be really nice if the afore stated Believers knew what Yahweh’s word said, meant, and executed Yeshua’s POA per our Heavenly Father’s perfect will. The Bible is self-contained. Let’s try dwelling within its parameters of authority instead of trying to take-over the secular systems under Satan. In the name of Yeshua, be it so!

    • Shannon Beth

      October 12, 2016 at 3:53 pm Reply

      There are other options. Gary Johnson and Evan McMullin.

  • Esther Egan

    October 11, 2016 at 1:13 am Reply

    Do you not think God can use Trump to bring revival to America? I am praying that He will.

  • Arthur L. LeBeau, Jr

    October 11, 2016 at 2:03 am Reply

    I for one am completely for Trump, yes he is a sinner as each of us are. However where have the evangelicals led us over the past 60 years (I am now 82) The churches have created the problems and if you give them money they still won’t solve the problems Each of you do your own praying and like this article and site if you wish, but this is not a solution. I pray daily for Donald Trump and also for Hillary & Barrack, Trump gets my full support and vote. Tell me where the evangelicals did so much to make our country better? I am a staunch Christian and if any have read my posts they know. Now let us all pray to the Lord Jesus for individual guidance in this import election. Art LeBeau, Villa Ridge, Mo (Christian & Conservative)

  • Kay John

    October 11, 2016 at 3:51 am Reply

    It’s either Hillary or Trump! If Trump is fired Hillary wins. I’m sorry but that is common sense. Hillary wants to open the borders and leave our safety at risk. Trump may not be perfect but he has a better plan than Hillary and I sure don’t want to take a risk at Hillary hands. America future and our safety is being put at risk. Let’s not allow ignorance to occupy your mind and make the right decision when you vote and do your research. Either way one ☝️ will become President and you can make a difference between the better one.

    • Ruth Jobes

      October 14, 2016 at 12:56 pm Reply


  • Allen Vergakis

    October 11, 2016 at 9:23 am Reply

    WWJD: “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at [Donald Trump]” I’m ashamed of you so-called “evangelists.” I pray the Lord forgives you! Ask yourselves, Are you apostates, against the true faith?

  • Ted R. Weiland

    October 11, 2016 at 1:38 pm Reply

    Kay, Trump our hope!?!

    Ps 118:8-9
    It is better to take refuge in Yahweh tThan to trust in man.
    9 It is better to take refuge in Yahweh Than to trust in princes.

    Ps 33:22
    2 Let thy mercy, O Yahweh, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.

    Ps 38:15
    15 For in thee, O Yahweh, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Yahweh my God.

    etc., etc., etc.

  • Chris

    October 11, 2016 at 3:18 pm Reply

    Kevin Baird: “Let the world negotiate out with each other it’s inconsistent and hypocritical moral standards, but God’s servants and people know better. We are not hirelings for the conservative movement. We are not window dressing for what’s left of the Republican Party. Our voice cannot be prostituted for the pragmatic cause of defeating the evil Clintons. It is time to call this WHOLE political system to account. We have spent untold hours excoriating the Clintons through the years (which was and is well earned), but we cannot now put our head in the sand acting like our principles do not matter because OUR candidate must prevail. If you do not think a watching world is taking note…I can assure you they are. Does it feel like they are exploiting this moment for their leftist agenda? Yes, it does. But we have no one to blame but ourselves as we let our anger rule our primary voting.”

    Yes, God’s servants should know better. However, not ” … letting our anger rule our primary voting” is not the problem. The problem is “voting” for anyone to any office to add or subtract from The Almighty’s perfect Laws, Statutes and Judgments.   Isn’t that the very purpose of legislators and presidents, to make laws ?

    Moreover, the candidates put before all “voters” from either party (e.g., the Manchurian Candidate type, bi sexual puppet, the Obamanation – as well as the “other presidents” over the last century as well as the vast majority of Congress) are merely running for the positions in  MIDDLE MANAGEMENT and are owned and controlled by those wicked ones that will put them there, which is our punishment from The Great I Am for rejecting Him and His Perfect Moral Laws.   

    And now we can’t figure out how to reverse this deplorable condition we’re in and why we’re standing at the edge of the cliff with BOTH feet on banana peels !    Somehow without anger ruled “voting” we won’t fall off ??

    Should  we “vote” our way out at the next (pre-s)election ??   Been working pretty good so far, right ????

    The sooner we all get a grip on this fact and recognize it, the sooner we can all understand the real problems and get to solutions.

    “We the People” are the problem and have become exceptionally wicked, albeit not by accident, but the result is the same.

    Kevin, who and where are these “Christian” people that will help you “vote” the “right one” in ?? As far as most of them are concerned, His Law has been done away with.

    Isn’t it the so called “Judeo-Christians”, “Fundamentalist Christians”, “New Testament Only Christians”, “Southern Baptists”, etc., lead by false prophets such as Graham, etc., that teach the lie that God’ Laws, Statutes and Judgments have been done away with, ” are contrary to us”, etc., etc., when Christ Himself said the exact opposite: Matthew 5: 17-19 ?    

    “Unless they speak to the Law and the testimonies, there is no light in them.”

    The bottom line is, MOST (so called “Christians included) who are for “freedom and liberty” ARE, in reality, FOR THE LIBERTY TO BREAK THE ALMIGHTY’S LAW !

    How to fix our nation and become His exceptionally good example to the world once again:

    “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep his commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14.

    By returning to being the exceptional example that produces the fruits of His Laws, Statutes and Judgments, i.e., His Will/Kingdom on earth, headquartered here in the “nation born in a day.”

    Then the rest of the world will come to us to learn “The Way” (Acts 24: 14):

    “See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as Yahweh my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it. So KEEP AND DO THEM, for THAT is your wisdom and your understanding IN THE SIGHT OF the peoples WHO WILL HEAR ALL these statutes and say, ‘Surely, this great nation IS A WISE AND UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE.’ For what great nation is there that has a God so near to it as is Yahweh our God whenever we call on Him? Or what great nation is there that has statutes and judgments AS RIGHTEOUS AS THIS WHOLE LAW which I am setting before you today ? Deuteronomy 4: 5-8 (Emph. added.)

    The Almighty told you in His Word that His Laws, Statutes and Judgments are perfect and “Thou shalt not add or subtract therefrom.”   

    Yet, the majority of the So called “Christians” and “Constitutionalists” (most of which haven’t even read it, let alone understand it) that are for “Liberty” and “Freedom” (and want the right candidates) want to return to the god “We The People’s” constitutions that provide for legislative and presidential offices to do just that, i.e., “add or subtract therefrom.” The making of Law is a power that belongs to Him and Him alone!

    Here’s the root of the problem: 

    “We The People” were deceived into believing they should be god (sovereign) and decide what is to be the supreme law of the land via representational legislation (law making), e.g.,”A Republic, if you can keep it.” 

    The legislative process provided by the various federal and state constitutions was the vehicle used for the enemy to corrupt over time (via gradual increments) and finally take over.   

    Now, the state is the god of most, knowingly or unknowingly, and the “god” the state is controlled by His and our enemies, promoted by  “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.   

    This nation wanted to determine what was to be “good and evil”, instead of enforcing His Perfect Moral Laws.

    Malim in se (evil in and of itself as defined by The Great I Am, the ONLY lawgiver) vs. malim prohibitum (evil because someone determines, or legislates, it to be evil).

    The Almighty has a MUCH better offer:

    “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, And I will give you rest. Take My yoke (i.e., His Law 1 John 5: 2 & 3, as well as His tithe [tax] system) upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and ‘YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.’ (Jer. 6: 16). My yoke is easy, and My load is light.” Matthew 11: 28 – 30.

    He told us that if His people ” … shall humble themselves (e.g., quit thinking we’re the sovereign, take our proper place and quit usurping His), and pray, and seek my face (e.g., He’s to be the ONLY law giver), and turn from their wicked ways (e.g., enforce His Laws, Statutes and Judgments); THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

    The only way to save this nation is to turn back to Him, His Perfect Moral Laws, Statutes and Judgments, i.e., His Kingdom/Will On Earth.   Seek Him while He may yet be found.

  • Mike Toomey

    October 11, 2016 at 6:08 pm Reply

    Dr. Baird, Who did Jesus pick for his apostles? Correct; He chose sinners that had a heart they could change. I think Donald Trump can change and probably has repented from many of his past doings. Hippocrates preach Jesus but not forgiveness, what gospel do you preach? Your gospel evidently is one of judgment and unforgiveness. Jesus’ Gospel of forgiveness is not foreign to me for forgiveness is exactly what saved me and I thank God for that.

    Without forgiveness where would you be Dr. Baird?

    I think I will stay away from men like you, fooling people by telling them that you know what Jesus would do; Jesus didn’t look for people like you, he looked for the sinner and then changed their lives.

    In the end I suppose you never would have picked Saul to be your teacher, but then neither would I so for you and me we never would have had Paul.

    If all Donald Trump would do as President would do be to appoint pro-life Federal Judges, I will do what I can to make my vote count in the column against an Abortion Advocate.

    Yes, Donald Trump is the only candidate at this point that can defeat Hilary Clinton and give America a pro-life President. It is voices like yours that mislead Christians that have over come their own sinful life and actually now abhor sin; but in the numbers that pay heed to your gospel of unforgiveness they can deliver Hillary and her professed evil to the oval office.

    Yes Dr. Baird, you are a tough cookie, I’m Glad I have Jesus.
    I remain Saved By Grace through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour, Mike Toomey

    • Arthur L. LeBeau, Jr

      October 11, 2016 at 7:15 pm Reply

      As to your comment Mike Toomey, I agree. I also am tired of these so self claimed so called evangelicals who are so much better than me. Jesus Christ my Savior knows all about me and that I do my very best each day to follow Him. I will definitely vote for “The Donald” and I will continue to pray to Jesus to guide him and bring this county back to Him and its own greatness. How much do you really vet the so called Christian “politicians” running for various elective “jobs”? Art LeBeau (sometimes a little aggravating child of The Lord Jesus)

    • Ruth Jobes

      October 14, 2016 at 1:02 pm Reply

      I’m with YOU on this! Vote for the more God-honoring PLATFORM( i.e.Republican) and NOT the person! BTW I am a conservative independent voter.

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