The Slippery Slope of Suspending Scripture

I will instantly stipulate that there is probably no Christian alive (or dead for that matter) that hasn’t at some moment played fast and loose with the Scriptures with regards to its interpretation and application. We know that we all “see through a glass darkly” and tend to venerate our “private interpretations” as THE interpretation. Most of the time and for most honest students of the Word, this is done unconsciously. We are not willfully twisting the Word. We may be unskilled or immature in rightly dividing the Word, but we are honestly wrestling with its contents. Unless you are a fully deceived cult leader my hope would be that for the vast majority of Christians a humility would exist that could say, “I had never thought of that before”, or, “I have never seen that in Scripture just like that”. I will be the first to confess that in my 38 years of following Jesus and my 32 years of preaching the Gospel, I have stood up on several occasions and changed my views based on the Scripture. What I believed those early years preaching are not exactly in line with what I uphold in these later years. And let me be crystal clear on this point…my “morphing” has happened because of the Scripture, the Holy Spirit’s enlightening, and the discipling of other ministers who helped me connect many dots. I suspect my journey is not unlike many other sincere Christians.

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What Can Donald Say to Make This All Go Away?

It is no secret to readers of this blog or my social media that I am highly skeptical of anything Trump. I have no plans at this point to vote for him and I will give my vote to a qualified 3rd party candidate. However, the question concerning the direction of this nation and Trump’s general acceptability is not without merit. I have watched this election debacle play out with no small degree of sadness and, believe it or not, compassion for Donald. He is absolutely clueless to some extent as to the can he has opened with the released tape. While my compassion will not override my obedience to Scripture, it has made me ask the question, “Is there anything Donald can say to make this all go away?”

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How Shall We Disciple Donald Trump?

How Shall We Disciple Donald Trump?

I want to take just a moment and thank the 200+ Facebook friends who tagged or messaged me with the article quoting the esteemed Dr. James Dobson with regards to the recent commitment Donald Trump made to Jesus Christ. I mean that genuinely and it is heartfelt (you can stop the tagging now). Despite not personally endorsing or supporting Donald Trump, I do want the man and his family to know Jesus Christ, be prepared for heaven, and be genuinely converted in his life and thought. It does him and us no service to simply be culturally assimilated into the ranks of the “tares” of the American Church. I will also say that through the primary process of getting to “know” Donald Trump there have been at least 3 separate and recent accounts to this Christian commitment and it would be nice to hear the actual testimony and/or journey from the candidate himself. Perhaps that will soon be clarified.

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A Job Description for Donald Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board

Reminiscent of the 1980 remarks of Ronald Reagan to a group of evangelical pastors and leaders gathered at Reunion Arena in Dallas, Donald Trump has formed an evangelical “advisory board” which, according to his website, “represents Donald J. Trump’s endorsement of those diverse issues important to Evangelicals and other Christians, and his desire to have access to the wise counsel of such leaders as needed.” None of these leaders were required to endorse his candidacy although several of them unmistakably have already done that. The list of these leaders is as follows:

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