(Things you were never taught in Seminary)
The following is a “tongue-n-cheek” attempt at codifying the numerous theological statements I have read through this election cycle. It is meant to provoke your thinking, not offend your feelings. However, this election season has been fertile ground for offense. None the less….. Here we go…
What Can Donald Say to Make This All Go Away?
It is no secret to readers of this blog or my social media that I am highly skeptical of anything Trump. I have no plans at this point to vote for him and I will give my vote to a qualified 3rd party candidate. However, the question concerning the direction of this nation and Trump’s general acceptability is not without merit. I have watched this election debacle play out with no small degree of sadness and, believe it or not, compassion for Donald. He is absolutely clueless to some extent as to the can he has opened with the released tape. While my compassion will not override my obedience to Scripture, it has made me ask the question, “Is there anything Donald can say to make this all go away?”
It’s Time Evangelicals Said to Donald Trump…”You’re Fired”.
Like many of you, I watched over these last months, well-respected and notable Christian pastors, professors, ethicists, university presidents, and lobbyists endorse (sometimes reluctantly) Donald Trump for president. I grimaced and groaned as I listened to the reasoning which mostly entailed unprecedented theological acrobatics to reach such a conclusion. Many even admitted that they did not like the conclusion they reached, but the “times” demanded unusual measures so therefore, foundational Scriptural precepts were suspended for the greater cause (or hope) of “conservative values”. I don’t question these people’s motives. I do believe for most (if not all) of them they have a genuine concern about our country and the direction it is headed. However, the time has come to reevaluate this endorsement and defense of Donald Trump. It was a prophetic long-shot in the beginning to imagine such a man carrying the banner of evangelical concerns and values. It has now become a prophetic mandate to rebuke him by distancing ourselves from his candidacy. Contrary to what some will claim in the comment section below, this is not judgmental or pharisaical. This is about conviction, credibility, and consistency.
Yes, Your Vote Counts…
Few Christians have paused to consider whether the Bible has anything to say about “voting” or if there is a biblical way for the Christian to approach their civic responsibility in the voting booth. While it is partially true that the “how” of selecting leaders is never explicitly mentioned in the Bible (most leadership was by divine calling and human appointment), it would be incorrect to say that precepts for voting cannot be found in the Scripture. Yes, the civic culture of much of the Bible was that of monarchies and dictators. However, just because the political system of that time does not exactly match our time is no reason to automatically assume a transferable precept is not available. If Scripture is given to us as a blueprint for salvation, life, and God’s Will, then it is not a gigantic leap to assume that the Lord would reveal some precepts we could extrapolate for something as important as selecting our civil leaders.
Confronting Public Endorsements: A Matthew 18 Fallacy
If you have stayed connected to this blog you have seen that I have responded to articles written by high profile pastors, Christian leaders, and academicians in regards to their endorsements of Donald Trump. There has been a continual parade of well-known and influential leaders making the case for the Church to support Donald Trump because he is less of a problem than Hillary Clinton and the only viable alternative. As you are aware from my writings I find that problematic for the Church on the basis of obedience to God’s Word and the presumption of pragmatism. If you read some of the past threads and comments, the discussion can get rowdy. My problem is not so much the passion of the discussion or the rationale that is offered as a defense for Trump, but rather the instant rebuke that is often given to me for daring to respond and critique these leaders endorsements.